public opinion
As the U.S. and Vietnam mark the 15th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic ties, Hanoi has published its first “human rights magazine” at a time when some in the U.S. are demanding that concerns about human rights abuses in the communist-ruled state get greater attention.
You must be able to negotiate, to win the confidence of the powerful and influence them, to understand what makes a foreign society tick, to analyse information and report it accurately and quickly, including what your own government does not want to hear; you need "a quick mind, a hard head, a strong stomach, a warm smile and a cold eye".
As the United Nations takes stock of progress 10 years after the Millennium Development Goals were created, one expert says a hard look needs to be taken at what has been and can be accomplished.
The Obama administration's treatment of Netanyahu at the first meeting created the impression of a deep crisis in American-Israel relations. The meeting last Tuesday, however, repaired the damage and lifted the mood music after recent tensions.
These significant strategic developments in all the major geographic theaters of the U.S. War on Terror further demonstrate the efficacy of Beijing's economy-first diplomacy and reflect China's growing influence in Central Asia as a whole.
The Tampa sinkhole that appeared Sunday is reminiscent of last month's Guatemala sinkhole. But despite the seemingly insatiable appetite for the story, The Guatemala Times newspaper is now refusing to cover the topic.
What was Joseph Kabila thinking? According to Congolese and Belgian press, President Kabila gave Queen Paola of Belgium a diamond necklace, earrings, and bracelet on the occasion of Congo's 50th anniversary celebrations. A bit of a PR catastrophe.
Hassan Al Thawadi is chief executive for the Qatar 2022 bid...Qatar is one of the most prosperous countries in the world, with gas and oil reserves and has futuristic plans for the 2022 finals.