public private partnership
Prime Minister Hailemariam Dessalegn urged the Ethiopian Tourism Transformation Council (ETTC) to utilize resources of the country and make the nation one of the best tourist destinations in the world.
In an earlier post, I speculated that preventing a Zika virus epidemic would rally transnational diaspora organizations. Since then, concern has grown among U.S.- and Canadian-based diasporans, especially those with roots in Brazil, Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, and other Latin American countries. Caribbean American and global media are featuring stories and public service announcements on the outbreak, but so far, I have observed no major non-governmental diasporan response.

A multi-method analysis of the MTV Exit documentary to counter human trafficking in Indonesia.

This new article from the Center for Strategic and International Studies assess the U.S.-led campaign against ISIS and suggests a three-part framework to defeat the terrorist organization.
The U.S. Department of State is proud to announce Global Diaspora Week (GDW) [...] and calls for the Department, organizations, and individuals to participate by hosting diaspora-related events and activities around the world. GDW is held annually to create awareness, enable collaboration and enhance learning amongst those working with diaspora communities in different locations around the world.