In an era marked with alarming language of “fire and fury,” it is useful to add a bag of tea to boiling water and let it steep for until reason gives diplomacy a chance to percolate for an amiable situation. As a beverage, tea lubricates good conversations, without the hangovers that come along with alcoholic concoctions.
Gender equality, and the pursuit of greater educational and economic empowerment for women, have been a focus of the operations of NGOs around the world for a long time. But an emphasis on gender equity has started to move from the world of charities and foundations into governments, with both Sweden and Canada making explicitly feminist commitments for their foreign policy in recent years.
"My Country - My Home" is a joint production of Myanmar's MNTV channel and Japan International Broadcasting (JIB). [...] "We hope this film captures life in Myanmar as well as promoting friendship between our two countries,” said president of MNTV Nan Laik Mauk Sai.
Ties between India and Armenia, a former Soviet republic in the Caucasus region, have been growing rapidly in recent years. The country has signed memorandums of understanding (MoUs) with various institutions, including with IIT-M, Anna University and Ramachandra Medical College, to promote educational links with the country.

What makes or breaks relationships between stakeholders in public-private partnerships.