south africa

Russia is missing out on opportunities to use soft power in Africa, according to experts on the continent. Russian authorities struggle to push "soft power" buttons in an effort to rebrand Russia's image and to regain some social and cultural influences in Africa population, experts say the plan of cultural diplomacy might only be achieved with consistency and to deliver on their promises promptly.

Cilliers said after the election that Dlamini-Zuma’s candidacy for the AU seat was pursued with such valour in order to facilitate South Africa’s greater campaign for permanent representation on the UN Security Council. “The South African campaign for a permanent seat on the Security Council is particularly important to (DIRCO) Minister Maite Nkonae-Mashabane,” he explained.

Miller Matola, Brand South Africa’s chief executive officer, believes the 60-second commercial, unveiled with the new slogan on 4 July at The Theatre on the Track at Kyalami in Midrand, encapsulates the “can-do” spirit of South Africans. He trusts that it will illustrate the determination of the country’s citizens to overcome obstacles and find new and better ways to get things done.

The use of nation-branding by middle power states has continually increased as other nations engaged in the policy experience some success and create a name for themselves in the international community. Nation-branding allows states to distinguish themselves from other nations or create a new image due to negative perceptions of individuals across the world.

“South Africa’s brand image shot up considerably. It is now ranked 36th out of the top 50 nation brands and voted the most valuable country brand in Africa by the Brand Finance Nation Brand Index.” ...“The perceptions of South Africa as a dangerous destination have been dispelled once and for all. Even the domestic media have moved away from beating the crime drum..."

Miller Matola, CEO of Brand South Africa, says since 1994, South Africa has continued to exceed expectations in keeping its regulatory and financial environments sustainable and on par with the rest of the world.

Among the BRICS country rankings, Matola points out that only South Africa and Russia, which improved from 49th to 48th, gained ground. Brazil slipped from 44th to 46th, India from 32nd to 35th and China from 19th to 23rd.
