south korea

he so-called six-party talks — the on-again-off-again international mechanism by which the US, China, Russia, South Korea and Japan negotiate with North Korea over its nuclear aspirations — are often cited as an example of multilateral diplomacy.

The Korean Film Archive (KOFA) has signed an “agreement of cooperation” with the newly opened Shanghai Film Museum, the South Korea state-backed body announced. The pact, the first of its kind to be pursued for KOFA since its inception in 1974, means the two organizations will collaborate for film screenings, exhibitions, and restoration projects.

The Vietnam- Republic of Korea (RoK) cultural exchange centre officially debuted on June 17 in the southern province of Binh Duong. This is the province’s first international exchange centre, aiming to promote friendship and cooperation between Vietnam and the RoK, particularly between Binh Duong province and Daejeon City in the RoK.

Japan and South Korea hold top 10 spots for the number of students they have studying in the United States. However, when it comes to the number of U.S. students studying in Japan and South Korea, they take 14th and 23rd place respectively. As the United States increasingly turns its focus toward East Asia, how does international exchange affect the developing relationships?

There are more than a few complaints made by Chinese tourists who visit South Korea: There is nothing to buy but cosmetics, no diversity in cuisine at restaurants and no unique sightseeing spots away from the all-too-familiar historical and scenic sites. Nonetheless, Chinese tourists who recently return from South Korea never fail to gush about one common observation: "Oh, the country is so clean!"

June 10, 2013

The South Korean government has taken a lot of criticism over the years for its national branding initiatives. Its “Globalization of Hansik (Korean cuisine)” campaign, launched in 2009 and costing around $20 million, was no exception.

Middlepowerism is a difficult concept...The term can also denote states that demonstrate strong diplomatic aptitude through activities like diplomatic activism, coalition building, niche diplomacy, and “good international citizenship.” But for policymakers and diplomatic practitioners, middlepowerism is something very different.
