student exchange

CPD Research Associate Sohaela Amiri recaps our recent convening on this pillar of PD.

An introduction to the Australia India Youth Dialogue conference.
"I really want to see the Tatras," said Aistė Černauskytė, a political science student from Lithuania, after having laid her eyes on the landscape of Slovakia during her bus trip to Bratislava. Aistė is one of the international students who arrived to spend a semester in Bratislava. She spent 21 hours on the bus from Vilnius, across Poland, right to the Slovak capital. "Central Europe isn't very well-known to me," says Aistė Černauskytė, who appreciates the strategically good location of Bratislava for traveling.
Zionsville Community High School has received a plaque of appreciation from the U.S. Dept. of State for hosting three students from Kosovo and Liberia through the YES program during the 2016-17 school year. The YES program offers a competitive grant to students from countries with a significant Muslim population. [...] “The focus of these programs is to encourage diplomacy for future generations in hope of fostering a more peaceful world,” said Jan Ellis, local coordinator. Diella Ymeraga, 17, a Kosovo exchange student, described ZCHS as a good and open-minded community.
This series explored the experience and impact of human migration and cultural exchange in world history, America and Washington. It was sponsored by Humanities Washington with support from the Fresh Hop Ale Group. [...] There are approximately 1.6 billion Muslims around the world, and Muslims continue to come to America for the best opportunities and the best education, Kayaoglu said.
Northeast students from different universities, colleges of the region gathered to witness the fusion of northeast diversified culture with the rich culture of Punjab. Besides, promoting the culture, traditional dresses and designs etc of the northeast region, the event also aimed at unifying students through cultural exchange.
Our interest in hosting international visitors comes from our own experiences abroad. My husband, daughter and I returned to the U.S. in 2012 following my two decades as an Associated Press correspondent on three continents. People welcomed us in their hometowns around the world. Even now when we vacation, we meet strangers who offer menu recommendations in Brazil or Slovenia, or who help us navigate subways in Moscow or Tokyo.
With international students abundant in the campus, every Indian student in the course will be assigned to a foreign student. The Indian student will then learn about his or her companion's country, life, the hardships he or she has faced, etc. Officials at the college feel this will take the students beyond text-books and help them learn the ground realities of various countries.