study abroad

U.S. students studied in significantly greater numbers in less traditional destinations in 2008-2009, according to the new Open Doors survey report released today by the Institute of International Education (IIE) with funding from the U.S. Department of State.

Asuka Nakata wanted to study aviation management, but no universities in her native Japan offered a quality, affordable program, so she evaluated her options.Her sister, living in the village of Manchester in southwest Washtenaw County, recommended looking into Eastern Michigan University.

The International Voluntary Service Task Force will look at innovative volunteering projects based in the U.S and abroad with a view to not only increase the number of Americans participating in international service but also the effectiveness of the volunteers through services of non-profit organizations, religious institutions, and professional associations abroad.

September 8, 2010

As it now stands, this law remains harmful to the intellectual and cultural exchange between nations that is crucial to fostering growth, tolerance, and progress. It is particularly vital for those countries with significant cultural and political differences to learn about one another...
