
CPD Research Fellow (2017-19) Diana Ingenhoff, Kadir Jun Ayhan (Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies Graduate School of International and Area Studies) and Efe Sevin (Towson Univ.) reveal key takeaways.
How did the events of 2017 impact the international image of these 25 countries?
According to a survey of 2,000 consumers across China in late February of this year, Donald Trump has caused an adverse effect on Chinese sentiment towards investing in the United States. The data found that 41.2% of Chinese consumers have a more negative view of the US following Trump’s first month as President. 50.7% of consumers held a neutral position and 8.1% now viewed the US more positively.
How do people feel about multicultural policies? Ethnic majorities tend to resent them, and feel less safe in societies with a number of affirmative and rights-based policies, write Pamela Irving Jackson and Peter Doerschler. As a result, governments have come under pressure to ensure policies that tackle inequality benefit everyone. Yet both ethnic majorities and minorities declare themselves happier with their lives and governments when they live in states with multicultural policies.
A majority of Japanese people — 83.8 percent — are concerned the administration of new U.S. President Donald Trump could create global instability, according to a Kyodo News survey conducted Saturday and Sunday. Only 13.1 percent of the respondents to the nationwide telephone survey said they are not concerned about the administration of Trump, who was sworn in on Jan. 20 and is pushing an “America First” agenda on trade and immigration.