Global momentum on food security and nutrition continues to grow. In October, we submitted the new U.S. Government Global Food Security Strategy to Congress, outlining a plan for how the United States will contribute to the global call to eradicate poverty and hunger.
Some Americans chose to react to the Paris tragedy with embarrassing displays of xenophobia and bigotry. Others, however, chose compassion instead. A’s baseball player Sean Doolittle and his partner Eireann Dolan invited 17 Syrian refugee families to share in their Thanksgiving meal […] They are also launching a crowd-funding campaign to help sponsor Syrian refugee families who have arrived in Chicago.

A look at how the U.S. and other nations engage in food diplomacy.
I've been in the Peace Corps since October 2014, stationed in Ghana's Northern Region. On Thursday, I'll spend the day in northern Ghana with three [Peace Corps] friends […] Living in a village without running water or electricity for the last year has made me realize the vast privileges so many of us take for granted […] And I've also learned that even when you don't have a lot, you can still share what little you have.
It takes a diplomat to orchestrate harmonious holiday meals. [...] When Portland Chef Naomi Pomeroy is not creating menu items for her critically praised Beast restaurant and Expatriate bar, she accepts assignments from the U.S. State Department to speak about American cuisine to foreigners.

When your Thanksgiving dinner table feels like an international crisis, this advice shows how public diplomacy principles can come to the rescue.