
A hundred years later, dance is being used as a bridge over the century-old abyss between Turks and Armenians. DanceMotion USA, a cultural diplomacy initiative sponsored by the U.S. State Department’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and produced by BAM, facilitated a contemporary dance collaboration among artists from the three nations.

The alliance between Indonesia and Turkey dates back to the 16th century when Portuguese pirates started attacking Indonesian boats while traveling to Mecca to fulfill their religious duty. In response, the Ottoman Empire sent a navy to stop the pirates from looting the Indonesian ships. 

A delegation of Independent Industrialists and Businessmen Association (MUSIAD) from Turkey held a meeting with the Muslim Economic Forum India (MEFI) on 22nd August at India Islamic Cultural Centre (IICC) New Delhi and extended cooperation in promoting India-Turkey economic relations.

Some Turkish journalists' unions have harshly criticized the beheading of US journalist James Foley, who had been missing since 2012, by the “Islamic State” (IS) on Tuesday and expressed concern for the Turkish citizens who have been held captive by the terrorist organization since June.

The main purpose of DanceMotion USA, a cultural diplomacy program run by the Brooklyn Academy of Music for the State Department, is to send American troupes abroad. Yet the program also benefits New Yorkers directly by having an American company bring back a foreign one for a free, collaborative performance here. These visits have proven illuminating, even if the arranged artistic alliances haven’t always gelled.

The Coordination Agency of Public Diplomacy (KDK) published some briefings on the humanitarian aid work carried out in Iraq and Palestine. Data is presented in an info-graphic prepared by the institution and is published in English, French and Arabic.

The Turkish Prime Ministry released a report outlining Turkey's humanitarian aid to Gaza and Iraq that amounted to over $8 million. The country's state-run aid agencies and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) are spearheading efforts to help victims of Israel's constant bombings in the Gaza Strip and people displaced by the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) offensive in Iraq.

DanceMotion USA is a cultural diplomacy program that supports U.S. foreign policy goals by engaging international audiences through educational opportunities, performance and cultural exchange. The program is a people-to-people international exchange initiative of the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, produced by BAM.
