united kingdom

U.K. envoy to Israel Tom Phillips says British public does not automatically assume everything Israel does is wrong, but adds that the debate isn't one of PR but of substance.

[HSBC] bank, known for its "world's local bank" slogan, has backed this summer's Festival Brazil, a programme of cultural activities at London's South Bank Centre celebrating the country that is predicted to be the world's fifth-largest economy by 2025.

As crude poured into the Gulf of Mexico and the world economy struggled to recover from the financial crisis, corporate social responsibility might seem a perverse target.

Special squatting toilets have been installed in a Greater Manchester shopping centre after its bosses went on a cultural awareness course.

July 14, 2010

You must be able to negotiate, to win the confidence of the powerful and influence them, to understand what makes a foreign society tick, to analyse information and report it accurately and quickly, including what your own government does not want to hear; you need "a quick mind, a hard head, a strong stomach, a warm smile and a cold eye".

The French have an expression for it: Il a manqué une belle occasion de se taire – "He (or, in this case, she) missed a good opportunity of staying silent." The saying was brought to mind by the affair of the British ambassador's blog...

Great Britain, France and Germany are the most active in promoting their cultural relations with Georgia, according to The Financial’s study. British Council, Goethe-Institute Georgia and A. Dumas Centre conducted the majority of cultural awareness events since 2008. Germany generally spends the most.

The University Linkages Programme at Cairo University represents the unique collaboration between BG Egypt, Cairo University and the British Council. It provides much-needed English language tuition and professional skills to the university's Petroleum Geosciences students.
