united states

Welcome to Waterweavers, an exhibit at the Art Museum of the Americas that represents the contemporary culture of Colombia with a focus on rivers (including the Amazon), woven art and life in the rainforest. [...] It appears at the AMA through September 27 thanks in large part to the support of the Colombian Embassy.

Hashtags around race like #icantbreathe #Blacklivesmatter found their way into many feeds, pushed themselves into wider view, and forced a reckoning. [...] African-American struggles have inspired and tactically informed anti-caste activism. But could Dalit-Bahujan Twitter exert a similar force, in India?

August 1, 2015

While the nuclear accord will not change Iran immediately, it will allow for incremental changes in the country. It opens opportunities for greater people-to-people exchanges between Iran and the United States. Ultimately Iran’s gradual opening will allow what the Iranian regime fears the most; the loss of the United States as an enemy and its emergence as a source of inspiration. 

Netanyahu will be reaching out to the American Jewish community in a live webcast next Tuesday, reports said, addressing the agreement and its implications for Israel, the Middle East and the world. A question and answer period will follow his remarks, according to an email invitation.

Morgan Freeman, Jack Black and a host of other celebrities star in a video backing Americas' nuclear deal with Iran, wise-cracking their way through an often surreal mixture of Hollywood, politics and diplomacy.

This month, President Obama is in Africa reaching out to the approximately 200 million people on the continent between the ages of 15 and 24. The United States is strengthening ties with this dynamic and fast-growing region, embracing what the President has described as “a new era of engagement, based on mutual interests and mutual respect…to advance the common security and prosperity of all people.”

During the final day of his visit to Africa, US President Barack Obama is set to deliver a message to the continent with a speech at the African Union (AU). He is later scheduled to meet with civil society delegates.

Opposition to the deal based on issues unrelated to the nuclear program is not new, nor is the “white savior complex” exhibited by many in the U.S. government when it comes to human rights in other parts of the world. 
