united states
China is often portrayed as a giant in the hard-power leagues of the economy, technology and the military. But when it comes to the country's soft power, China watchers have little optimism. As some analysts have pointed out that soft power is all in the mind, think tanks are important as a deliverer of soft power as they convey ideas.
In his State of the Union address, the President’s core message was that the US has emerged strong from the twin crises caused by the 2001 terrorist attacks and the 2008 global recession. And the challenge he posed to Congress on foreign policy is this. Do we want to continue to operate in crisis mode – being fearful, reactive, and prone to overuse military force in ways that exacerbate security problems and contradict basic values?
Andrew Lack has a Herculean task ahead of him. Lack was sworn in January 20 as Chief Executive Officer and Director of the U.S. International Broadcasting(USIB) services. His job will be to sort out the mess that has resulted from years of bad management and misplaced priorities at the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), the part-time board that for two decades has attempted to run the U.S. government’s complex of media services
The public affairs office of the US consulate general Chennai has invited applications for two grant opportunities -- 'Cyber-Security Research and Innovation Contest' and 'Public Diplomacy Small Grants.'
Architect Maya Lin and portraitist Kehinde Wiley are among the seven artists to be honored with the 2014 Department of State-Medal of Arts for their efforts to promote cultural understanding through art.
Speaking to Daily Sabah, Joseph Nye said that contrary to many opinions, the power held by the U.S. is not declining. Instead, other actors in the world are becoming more visible as they join the power struggle.
A new agreement between the University of Montana, Missoula County Public Schools and their Japanese counterpart aims to increase educational exchange opportunities. Representatives from UM and MCPS met with a delegation from the Kumamoto prefecture of Japan on Tuesday to sign a memorandum of understanding that will bring more student exchange and professional development opportunities to Missoula.
Fox News has spent years ridiculing France for sins real and imagined. Now the mayor of Paris is punching back with plans to sue the network after its coverage “insulted” her city in the aftermath of the Charlie Hebdo attacks.