united states

December 24, 2014

So what if we envision a world of 2015 in which information technologies become agents of peace instead of sources of conflict? In many ways, we are already on that path, but the efforts are episodic. 

The US needs a more strategic approach in providing assistance to the two troubled countries.

North Korea’s state-run news agency claims that suggestions Pyongyang was behind the cyber attack on Sony Pictures are “wild rumor.” But according to the New York Times and other media sources, U.S. intelligence officials have concluded otherwise. The attack, those officials say, “was both state-sponsored and far more destructive than any seen before on American soil.”

December 21, 2014

The Maltese embassy in Washington participated in the Kids Euro Festival, organised by the EU delegation to the US, with a show from More or Less Theatre.

Since the first institute opened ten years ago, 475 Confucius Institutes and 851 smaller Confucius Classrooms have been established in 126 countries. These numbers raise concerns outside of China about the institute’s intentions, and have prompted some to consider the future of China’s most prominent and most controversial cultural diplomacy initiative.

December 21, 2014

Washington would do well to incorporate the business approaches of the BBC and other successful models that mix entertainment, education and news with a massive stock pile of programs for the foreign audience to consume. 

With Detente, Politics Is Finally Catching Up With a Mutual Fascination That Survived a Half Century of Hostility Between Washington and Havana.

Normalization of U.S-Cuban relations was accompanied by a colorful array of PD News headlines about Pope Francis' soft power, I Love Lucy and Cuban Hip Hop.
