united states
The New York-based Clinton Curtis Band will tour Central and South America, and the Caribbean as part of the U.S. Department of State’s American Music Abroad Program, organized by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.
U.S. Department of Commerce General Counsel Cameron F. Kerry and U.S. Department of Justice Assistant Attorney General Lanny A. Breuer will lead the discussion topic for the meeting: “Recent Developments Regarding Implementation of the Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions.”
In honor of the New Year (both West and East), I would like to share a relatively new lens for viewing relations in public diplomacy. Many may have heard of the terms individualism, which privileges the individual, and collectivism, which favors the collective or group. What they may not have heard about yet is relationalism, which privileges personal relations. At the time of this writing, relationalism literally “isn’t in the dictionary” – at least the most prominent one in the English-language.
The political, business and academic elites at the World Economic Forum expressed renewed optimism at the global economy, with more liquidity, more unity in Europe and the fiscal cliff scaled by U.S. politicians. But other risks – especially that of not doing enough to combat persistent corruption – are emerging as new threats to a fragile global economy beset by challenges.
Re-Framing & Re-Imagining the American Brand Abroad
Nearly 40 minutes have been chopped from the Hollywood film "Cloud Atlas" for Chinese audiences, deleting both gay and straight love scenes to satisfy local censors despite a movie-going public that increasingly chafes at censorship.