united states
Almost all sources are making statements on the US focus on Pacific region as foreign policy priority. What does this new Asia- Pacific strategy actually mean?...In terms of natural disasters, the US’ soft power finds positive support. According to an article published in the International Public Policy Review, Luuk Nijman stated that together with its soft power elements and its military power, the US could enhance its influence over the region.
When U.S. and Israeli officials look glumly at international polls showing their declining popularity, they often think that just some better salesmanship will do the trick. But the real problem isn’t the pitch; it’s the product, in this case policies that offend much of the world, says ex-CIA analyst Paul R. Pillar.
There is broad consensus that Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) has the foreign policy experience to serve as Secretary of State. But what about the State Department's open-technology and digital diplomacy efforts? Does the presumed successor to Hillary Clinton have her commitment to cyber-statecraft?
A new defense-related authorization bill signed by President Obama this week includes a provision that allows the Broadcasting Board of Governors to disseminate materials within the United States that were originally intended for audiences overseas.
Shah, 39, earned a medical degree from University of Pennsylvania and a master’s in public health from Wharton. He’s worked for Al Gore and Bill Gates, for whom he ran a multi-billion dollar vaccination program. Now he runs an organization that has a $22 billion budget, 8,000 employees and an unfortunate degree of modesty.
In a statement, founders Al Gore and Joel Hyatt said that they are "proud and pleased" by the takeover, noting that the two news agencies share similar goals. Al Jazeera plans to discontinue Current's programming -- including a primetime lineup of liberal hosts -- and replace it with its own broadcasts.
China's leaders have tried honoring Ai Weiwei and bribing him with the offer of high positions. They have tried jailing him, fining him and clubbing him. In desperation, they have even begged him to behave — and nothing works... “China still needs help from the U.S.,” he said. “To insist on certain values, that is the role of the U.S. That is the most important product of American culture. When Hillary Clinton talks about Internet freedom, I think that's really beautiful.”
An Israeli think tank, the Center for the Renewal of Israeli Democracy, has just issued a report that examines Israel's efforts at public diplomacy. Selection of this topic as one of the first to be studied by the center, which was established only a year ago, reflects hand-wringing in Israel over why the country seems to be, to put it bluntly but mildly, so darned unpopular around the world.