united states

We need a vigorous public debate on the role and direction of U.S. Government broadcasting. This includes discussing the purpose of Government broadcasting based not on assumptions or projections from the past but the current and future communication environment and the requirements of foreign policy.

The US Department of State's AIE office plays a vital role in US public diplomacy through a culture of expansive mission. AIE’s exhibitions allow foreign citizens, many of whom might never travel to U.S., to personally experience the depth and breadth of US artistic heritage and values, so that a “footprint can be left where people have no opportunity to see American art.”

As a public diplomacy tool, the Internet has become a heaven-sent gift for Foggy Bottom. Clearly, there is a very determined effort underway to upgrade the image of the State Department from a rather staid and slow-pokey bureaucracy to a hopping, hip, and super-connected organization.

Obama's new engagement policy in Asia, which promotes the use of "smart power", has received positive reaction among Asian members. On the other hand, China has increased its presence through financial aid, investment projects, cultural and social programs. What Asia does not want to see is a power contest between the two superpowers in the region.

The fizzy, busy sound of Korean pop have conquered airwaves in Japan and China over the past few years, but this week marks the escalation of a campaign to charm American listeners. Whereas Utada and BoA presumed being big in Asia would equal sales in the U.S., Wonder Girls is being introduced specifically for the teen and tween markets.

One year after the Arab Spring, American public diplomacy is still facing the now-established conundrum of linking words and actions. The rise of Islamist political parties as the new leaders in the Arab world is the latest challenge for U.S. public diplomacy, but it is also an opportunity.

One year after the Arab Spring, American public diplomacy is still facing the now-established conundrum of linking words and actions. The rise of Islamist political parties as the new leaders in the Arab world is the latest challenge for U.S. public diplomacy, but it is also an opportunity.

One of the BBG’s most foolish decisions was to end all VOA radio and TV programs in Arabic and Russian. Besides, the BBG needs to focus on multi-platform, multi-media program delivery that includes new media but does not eliminate VOA broadcasting, where BBG has the greatest competitive advantage.
