united states

I've just returned from a mission trip with First Methodist Dallas to San Jose , Costa Rica, where we worked with a pair of Texas missionaries who are building an orphanage. More on Texas' ties to the children's home to come soon...

The U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy is charged with appraising U.S. Government activities intended to understand, inform, and influence foreign publics. The Commission formulates and recommends to the President, the Secretary of State, and Members of Congress policies and programs...

Last week it seemed like even the intervention of U.S., British and French airpower might not be enough to enable the Libyan rebellion to regain the momentum against Libyan government forces. Now it looks like the balance has shifted in the rebels' favor, if not yet decisively so.

Adobe Youth Voices students had a unique opportunity Thursday night to participate in a pioneering form of citizen diplomacy: a “virtual exchange” between students in California and Pakistan. The AYV Peapod Academy in Redwood City, California connected with AYV & iEARN sites in Karachi & Islamabad...

Since 2008, discussions among Chinese scholars and strategists on the nature of their country’s foreign policy have focused on two issues: its ideological foundations, and China’s international appeal and standing – its “soft power.”

Throughout the world, billions of people rely on their faith to lift them above lives of hardship or the banality of arid secularism. For them, belief trumps politics, and efforts to influence them must incorporate faith as part of any appeal.

The powers that be at the social networking giant, Facebook, decided the "Third Palestinian Intifada" page will not be removed, despite requests from Israel, the Anti-Defamation League and others.

The United States Embassy has encouraged more Pakistani students to study in America and representatives of 11 US universities met students and their parents.
