united states

From the itinerary and speeches made during the visit, it would seem that Indo-US relations are underpinned by interface over three elements: democracy, economics and security. Obama’s Parliament speech flagged prosperity, security and democracy as three dimensions of an emerging partnership between the two countries, but it would seem that really two of these still lie in the realm of aspiration.

President Hu Jintao will travel to the United States for his third official visit as China’s leader this week. It may be his last before he hands over power to his apparently designated successor, Vice President Xi Jinping, in 2012.

When I traveled the world representing the United States during the George W. Bush administration, I was often confronted by people who wanted to blame the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, on American foreign policy.

Winner of 43 championships, more than any other American athlete in history, figure skater Michelle Kwan now travels the world to meet with young people as the first United States (U.S.) Public Diplomacy Envoy. Appointed in 2006 by the U.S. Secretary of State, she has spent the last few years, in between her studies, discussing leadership, social and educational roles.

Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, the archbishop emeritus of Washington, has been named a distinguished visiting scholar at the Library of Congress. McCarrick will study the role of religion in diplomacy and the responsibilities of religious leaders to work for peace and care for the poor.

Chinese President Hu Jintao this week will lay out his vision for U.S.-Chinese relations based on strategic mutual trust, state-run media reports, amid recent hints of Washington's frustrations with Beijing.

The memorial service at Washington’s Kennedy Center last week had the trappings of a state funeral. President Barack Obama was there, former president Bill Clinton, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. President Asif Ali Zardari of Pakistan flew in for the occasion, as did scores of other dignitaries.

A few thousand people will gather today in Washington, D.C. to honor the life of ambassador Richard Holbrooke, one of the world's finest diplomats, whose life ended suddenly one month ago...The ambassador was known to work round the clock, though he never lost sight of personal priorities. He had hired me in 2001 to help build his HIV/AIDS outfit, the Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS.
