united states

October 20, 2010

When two young Jews were shot dead at a gay club in Israel last summer, New York’s gay Jewish community responded immediately. The West Village congregation for gay Jews, Congregation Beth Simchat Torah, reached out to friends they made in Israel through a city-to-city partnership established 10 years ago.

The story of U.S. international broadcasting is getting something of a fresh start, or at least opening a new chapter. Eight new board members sit on the Broadcasting Board of Governors, which sets funding and gives direction to those efforts.

This new Agreement, which replaces an earlier 1994 text, marks an important milestone in the rich history of U.S.-Turkish scientific cooperation. As President Obama stated during his visit to Turkey in April 2009, "…Turkey and the United States must stand together -- and work together -- to overcome the challenges of our time."

The US has been generous to Pakistan in its times of need, but deep-seated hostility towards Washington won't change if people suspect that humanitarian aid has a hidden agenda.

U.S. Ambassador to Armenia Marie Yovanovitch has described her latest meetings with members of the Armenian-American community as "useful." Yovanovitch made a similar tour a year ago, as her predecessors had done before. The diplomat's itinerary this year included Philadelphia, Detroit, Los Angeles, and San Francisco.

The programme is conducted in partnership with the Lincoln Center, and produces an annual series of international tours for ten American ensembles performing jazz, urban, or other American roots music at venues outside of the US.

Opened this August, the Kingdom of Dreams is arguably India's most ambitious entertainment complex yet. Combining a retail-and-restaurant complex called Culture Gully, an outdoor stage for productions of the Ramayana and wedding shows, and a palatial 800-seat theater, it's Disneyland meets Bollywood.

With a strong industry, cutting edge technology, breathtaking landscape and exciting culture, Sweden is ranked as one of the most admired countries globally, according to a new nation branding survey. The United States is still the most admired country in the world with the best overall brand...
