united states

Together O’Neal and Canales became the first official U.S. Department of State Basketball Sports Envoys to Cuba, taking U.S. diplomacy to new heights by forging positive ties with the people of Cuba through the unifying power of sports.  

Americans and Chinese make friends with one another easily, and any program that brings them together is to be encouraged; there is no substitute for face-to-face conversations, which can so effectively break down stereotyping and facilitate deeper understandings. [...] I would like to see the U.S. and China jointly develop programs that use the media – both traditional and social – to enable people-to-people diplomacy to reach broader audiences. 

Dr. Pierre Tzu-pao Yang, Taiwan’s deputy minister of culture, was in D.C. this week to discuss the new division of culture. He also sat down with The Diplomat’s Shannon Tiezzi to talk about the importance of Taiwan’s international cultural programs, why culture will be a crucial part of Taiwan’s future – and why he doesn’t like the term “soft power.” The following interview has been edited for length and clarity.

On the heels of the largest sports diplomacy event, the 2016 Rio Olympics, Empower2Play will launch its very own ten-day sports diplomacy event with the US Embassy in Cite Soleil, Haiti, incorporating American Football, which begins on September 10th. [...] This event will bring together over 300 local youth and 100 volunteers from around the world.

This week Harlem will be infused with Cuban culture in the form of concerts, Cuban food tastings and fashion shows. The inaugural Harlem/Havana Cultural Exchange kicked off Sunday with a two-hour performance at the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine, but the exchange will hit up various neighborhood institutions throughout the next week.

American ambassadors abroad tend to be low-profile diplomats who host cocktail parties and try not to make waves in their host countries. Not here. Ambassador Rufus Gifford is an A-list celebrity — and even a reality TV star — in this nation of 5.7 million people. On the streets of the capital, the average person knows his name.
