us department of state

In one of her last acts as America's top diplomat, Clinton launched the Open Book Project (OBP), which will make high-quality educational resources freely available online in the Arabic language.

Under Secretary Sonenshine’s visit to India will highlight the breadth and depth of the U.S.-India people to people relationship, particularly our strong educational partnership. In New Delhi Under Secretary Sonenshine will lead the U.S. delegation to the Government of India conference “Mainstreaming Skills in Education” on February 6-7, where she will deliver remarks on our support for India’s development of community colleges and the expansion of skills development education.

Last summer, as the fighting in Syria raged and questions about the United States’ inaction grew, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton conferred privately with David H. Petraeus, director of the CIA. The two officials were joining forces on a plan to arm the Syrian resistance. The idea was to vet the rebel groups and train fighters, who would be supplied with weapons. The plan had risks, but it also offered the potential reward of creating Syrian allies with whom the United States could work, both during the conflict and President Bashar Assad’s eventual removal.

Phone calls to the political leaders of Israel and Palestine were among John Kerry's first diplomatic duties as he bedded in to his new job as secretary of state this weekend. Kerry told Mahmoud Abbas that he was "very interested in the peace process and aware of the economic hardships of the Palestinian people", according to Palestinian Authority spokesman Nabel Abu Rdeneh.

High design, quality craftsmanship and philanthropy collide in a recent collaboration for ARZU Studio Hope, a nonprofit aimed at breaking the cycle of poverty and bringing empowerment to Afghan women weavers. It all began when Chicago architects Stanley Tigerman and Margaret McCurry enlisted the help of other internationally-renowned designers to create custom pieces for the organization's Masters Collection.

A study due to be released on Monday is expected to take both Israel and the Palestinians - but especially the latter - to task for how they portray the other side in school textbooks. The project, conducted by researchers in the United States, Israel and the Palestinian Authority, was funded by the U.S. State Department.

John Kerry’s overwhelming confirmation as the next U.S. secretary of state presents a welcome opportunity to consider what the point of the job is. Now that Hillary Clinton has left Foggy Bottom for a well-earned rest, it’s worth stating that public diplomacy — even of the remarkably successful kind that she embodied — was not Thomas Jefferson’s idea of being the country’s chief diplomat, nor, one suspects, Clinton’s.
