us department of state

A US official is taking a novel approach to diplomacy in Pakistan — singing in a local language to build bridges in one of the world’s most dangerous countries, where anti-Americanism runs rampant.

We caught up with Kwan, 32, after she spoke during a Washington Post Live conference on women and leadership Wednesday. Does she see herself with State for the long haul? You never in politics, she said, but “I’m very goal-oriented. I do see myself doing something in public service.”

The U.S. secretary of State sweepstakes is on. Who’s it going to be? Susan Rice, John Kerry, Tom Donilon or some mystery candidate who will surprise us all. Forget the who for a moment. What does the nation’s top diplomat need to succeed?

For practitioners of public diplomacy, the ability to accurately measure the effectiveness of PD has often been described as “the holy grail.” Yesterday at the Heritage Foundation, Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs Tara Sonenshine spoke about the necessity of public diplomacy and the metrics being used and developed for its evaluation.

The U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs Bay Fang met with Georgian Minister of Culture Guram Odisharia. The meeting was held at the Ministry of Culture and it was attended by the U.S. ambassador to Georgia Richard Norland, head of the public affairs department of the embassy Michael Turner and culture attaché Lola Petrovac.

Mr. Corwin will be joined by Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs Tara Sonenshine and Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs Kerri-Ann Jones. Mr. Corwin will also lead two international webchats on Monday, December 3 and Tuesday, December 4.

The song starts with guitar and then Rabab, coupled with a melodious voice. It is a Pashto song but the accent is American.

November 30, 2012

What a year you’ve had, the kind that really burnishes a legend. At the Democratic National Convention, on the campaign trail, in speeches aplenty and during interviews galore, you spoke eloquently about what this country should value, and you spoke unequivocally about where it should head.
