us department of state

In order to bring peace at the global level and enhance harmony among the nations, diplomatic channels must be exploited to their maximum. These views were expressed by Chief of Protocol and Additional Foreign Secretary Ghalib Iqbal in an interaction at the fringes of Global Chiefs of Protocol Conference held at the State Department in Washington.

Israel has improved its ranking in the U.S. State Department’s 2012 Tracking In Person’s Report. The country was moved from a “tier 2” level, meaning it was considered non-compliant but improving, to “tier 1,” according to Haaretz.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton never seems to have cooking far from her mind. She's turned the State Department kitchen into a tool of international diplomacy. Clinton put her Chief of Protocol, Capricia Penavic Marshall, in charge of what's come to be known as "food diplomacy."

The controversial impeachment of Paraguay’s president, Fernando Lugo, is quickly turning into a kind of Rorschach test of Latin American politics: the reactions to it say more than the event does itself. Within hours of the rushed ouster on June 22, the diplomatic wheels were turning throughout the continent.

SportsUnited is ECA’s premier sports exchange program at the U.S. Department of State. Athletes and coaches from a range of sports are chosen to conduct clinics, visit schools, and engage with youth overseas in a dialogue on the importance of education, positive health practices, and respect for diversity.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton love using soft power whenever the situation calls for it, like, say, retooling the State Department’s catering services to serve delicious food from celebrity chefs whenever she hosts visiting heads of state. And no, spectacular food is not a froofy detail, “Tough negotiations take place at the dining table.”

“Showcasing favorite cuisines, ceremonies and values is an often overlooked and powerful tool of diplomacy,” Mrs. Clinton wrote, “The meals that I share with my counterparts at home and abroad cultivate a stronger cultural understanding between countries and offer a unique setting to enhance the formal diplomacy we conduct every day.”
