us foreign aid

Zika has faded from the media spotlight in recent months, but public health officials are gearing up for the virus to resurface as the summer brings warmer weather and mosquitos. The virus is linked to serious birth defects in babies of mothers who were infected while pregnant. But global health experts warn that the infectious disease and others like it will be much more difficult to contain in the future as Trump moves ahead with the reenactment and expansion of the Mexico City Policy, a ruling that blocks U.S.

Over a decade ago, I met a newborn who forever changed my life. But I was not able to change hers. I knew immediately that without health interventions, this precious baby would likely die. There I was. Another white girl. Standing in a remote village outside of Solwezi, Zambia. There to learn but frozen with emotion. There to help but without the tools. I had a bachelor of arts from Millsaps College. I was no doctor. It was my first trip to rural Africa, and I was both hopeless and overwhelmed.

Lawmakers and U.S. officials who have championed foreign aid, democracy and human rights fear that President-elect Donald Trump will financially and rhetorically cripple America's non-military influence around the world — damage that could prove harder to repair than the kind inflicted by George W. Bush's use of torture. [...] His victory was so shocking that some stakeholders now wonder if the Trump era will mark the end of America's "soft power."

Hundreds of millions of dollars in US aid that helps prevent child and maternal deaths and reduces unintended pregnancies worldwide could be at risk under a Donald Trump administration, campaigners and thinktanks have warned. Citing “worrisome” indicators, such as Trump’s U-turn against abortion, his pledge to appoint pro-life justices to the Supreme Court and his choice of Mike Pence, an anti-abortion activist, as vice-presidential running mate...

When discussing soft power, it is important to understand that, just like hard power, it is an attribute of force and as such, maintains a coercive, compulsory nature. Bidirectional influence is a purely methodological, not substantive quality, which creates the illusion that many are involved in the decision-making process, but the sole main beneficiary is still the state that is projecting its power.