wrestling diplomacy

A video of an Indian woman wrestler fighting in the WWE is going viral on social media - and Indians are loving it. The video shows Kavita Devi, clad in a saffron-colored Salwar Kameez - a traditional north Indian attire for women - fighting New Zealand's Dakota Kai, at the Mae Young Classic tournament. Hailing from the Indian state of Haryana, she is the first female Indian wrestler to compete in a WWE ring.

Hours following Trump’s restrictive immigration policy was announced, various sports entities, including the NBA, MLS, and the UFC, had contacted State Department to determine how this would impact their respective businesses. The EO also threatened U.S. bids for the Olympic Games and World Cup. However, it was the policy’s impact on amateur wrestling that resulted in retaliatory action from Iran.

A Japanese wrestler-turned-politician hopes his vision of "sports diplomacy" can repair his country's fraught relationship with North Korea, as he prepares to host an extraordinary sporting event in Pyongyang. And Kanji "Antonio" Inoki has form: he helped secure the release of Japanese hostages in Iraq in 1990 after impressing tyrant Saddam Hussein, and more recently used his old bouts with Pakistani wrestlers to foster goodwill between the South Asian country and his own.