transatlantic relations

On the British Council's research examining the "special relationship" between the U.S. and the U.K.
The Obama administration is pursuing a new approach to public diplomacy that stands to weaken US ties abroad, and delivers its most profound blow to the transatlantic relationship. In March, the administration proposed a 13% cut to the Fulbright fellowship program. Cuts to Fulbright come alongside the expansion of shorter programs that offer less substantive immersion for foreigners, neglect Americans, and shift the diplomatic lens away from Europe during a period that requires greater, not less, transatlantic cooperation.
The Advisory Committee on International Economic Policy (ACIEP) will meet on Tuesday, May 14, 2013, at 2:00 p.m. in Room 1105 of the Harry S. Truman Building. Hosted by Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs Jose W. Fernandez and Committee Chairman Theodore Kassinger, the meeting will last until approximately 4:00 p.m. and is open to the public.
Obama’s project to remake the U.S. image abroad has always relied, at its core, on his own against-the-odds story. And the adoring reception he received, from the public and its elected leaders, suggested the message still resonates here.
From November 22 -24, 2010 CPD Director Philip Seib presented a series of public and private lectures on public diplomacy to the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the U.S. Embassy in Hungary, the Hungarian Institute of International Affairs, Budapest Corvinus University, and Péter Pázmány Catholic University.
European approval remains high at 78 percent, but that’s down from 83 percent last year — a reflection, the report suggests, of discontent with Washington’s resolve to continue the fight in Afghanistan...
In what the White House has billed a major address, US Vice President Biden will speak at the European Parliament on Thursday. Members of parliament hope that he will reaffirm US-EU ties - and patch up a few things.