virtual worlds
This project showed how massively multiplayer online games create a key target audience for public diplomacy efforts through communication and relationship building.
This article first appeared on the MacArthur Foundation's Spotlight blog.
I spent the past week at the Virtual Worlds Conference and Expo in San Jose, California.
There were a number of interesting panels, but two themes caught my attention that I’d like to discuss here: 1) Concern for ROI or Return on Investment in Virtual Worlds; and 2) The Rise of China.
I’m just back from the State of Play V conference in Singapore. Congratulations to Dan Hunter, Beth Noveck and Aaron Delwiche for having the vision to host State of Play in Singapore, and the perseverance to keep it there despite the challenges of fundraising for and coordinating a conference 8,000 miles away. Thanks to the MacArthur Foundation for supporting it financially.
As with previous State of Plays I came away intellectually enriched. Moreover, I learned something new and unexpected—and not necessarily from the sources I anticipated.