global citizens
The American Democracy Project, a national initiative that has chapters on many college campuses, aims to prepare college graduates to be knowledgeable, engaged citizens in their communities, according to the official ADP website. The project is a partnership between The New York Times and the American Association of State Colleges and Universities.
As ambitious as that may sound–trying to raise the living quality for the planet’s poorest billion people–Global Citizen, an innovative initiative to improve matters of poverty and inequality worldwide, has rapidly gained popularity and influence
For the better part of my career, I have been passionate about helping people, and Americans in particular, become better world citizens. Like Meyer, much of my work globally has centered around advising executives on how to work most effectively across cultures, particularly in a new country that's foreign to their upbringing.
The UN is as much stage as platform for diplomatic exchange, and the Kremlin is no longer so keen on keeping the curtain up. From news to manifestations in popular culture, diplomacy is evolving, modern communication defining both obsolescence and new demands/opportunities. The conversation is increasingly moving beyond states to the global citizen and access to news and perspectives is part of the diplomatic arsenal.