taiwan-chinese culture

Wang Yi, minister of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, said on Tuesday the mainland and Taiwan should seize the opportunity to set up a systematic mechanism for cultural and educational exchanges.

Most Taiwanese, who do not travel to or work in China, can only learn about Chinese by reading newspapers, watching television or listening to the radio. However, when Chinese come to Taiwan, locals can learn about their cousins from across the Strait first-hand, both the good and the bad. It’s a type of low-level diplomacy that cuts through misunderstandings and prejudices better than any ­government-sponsored effort.

Cities should facilitate interaction and provide spaces so people can bond, says Chui Huili, director of the Taiwan Pavilion at the Shanghai World Expo.

President Ma Ying-jeou says Taiwan's soft power makes it a great place. Ma said love, kindness and tolerance are core values for Taiwan, which is an immigrant society. He also said he is proud that Taiwan has developed a Chinese culture with distinct local flavor.