festival of india

When Kuchipudi dance couple Devi and Girish stepped onto the stage at the Festival of India event held at Mandalay in Myanmar, they were happy to see the huge turnout for their show. This was the first time, after many years, the Myanmar government was opening the doors of its capital to host the event organized by the Ministry of Culture in India.

With a view to strengthen cultural relations and to showcase diverse Indian culture to Brazilian people, the union ministry of culture is organizing a festival of India in three cities of Brazil. [...] Three cities including Brasilia, Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro have been selected for the events.

India is keen on deepening its cultural relations with Australia which would create "greater understanding" between the two countries, the Indian High Commissioner here has said. Stressing on the power of cultural and public diplomacy, Navdeep Suri said, "if we were to think India-Australia relations can only be done at government levels, we will be missing major opportunities".