external relations

Australia is a beautiful multicultural democracy that respects cultural diversity and promotes equality among all ethic and cultural groups. However, even my freedom in Australia is increasingly under threat from China's "soft power". It is wonderful that the Chinese communities in Australia are allowed to establish all sorts of associations, run Chinese-language media and keep their cultural practices and traditions. With the ambitious goal of establishing "discursive power" in the world, the CCP's Central Propaganda Department has carried out the Grand External Propaganda Program.

Overcoming barriers is part of every immigrant's struggle. African women living in Germany have been sharing their experiences in a meeting intended to boost morale and better equip them to deal with life here. [...] The gathering was the brainchild of Sierra Leonean Sarah Bomkapre Kamara, a co-founder of Moving Women Empowerment. Kamara, a PhD student in Munich, brought the women together to discuss issues which are particularly common among African women.

The fete is a celebration of life in the two continents that blends tradition with modernity, marking the youth's contribution to the common pool of the world's culture. [...] Themulti-faceted fete incorporated lively celebration of the richness of African and Asian cultures through a range of activities from Kung Fu martial arts, comedy, cuisine, dance, exhibitions, literature, music, theatre and sports.