armenian genocide
“The documentary, titled ‘Neighbors in Memory…A Personal Journey,’ will be a first of its kind project, exploring the Armenian-Turkish relationship from the bottom up, starting from the reeducation of one Turkish woman and weaving in the thoughts and feelings of others who have been pondering the question: why does this hundred year old event, the Armenian Genocide, continue to be so controversial, so sensitive and so significant?”
In a visit to Armenia, Pope Francis has urged the world to never forget the Ottoman-era slaughter of some 1.5 million Armenians which he termed a genocide – a characterization likely to cause tensions with Turkey.
Conan O'Brien, unofficial cultural diplomacy ambassador
More than 100 people gathered in front of the Islamic Arts museum in Istanbul on Friday to commemorate the massacre of Armenians during the last days of the Ottoman empire. [...]The commemoration, organized by Turkish and international human rights organizations, was one of a series of events taking place in Istanbul to mark the centenary of the Armenian genocide during which more than 1.5 million Armenians were killed, according to historians’ estimates.