bureau of educational and cultural affairs

Learn about OneBeat, the U.S. State Department's unique music diplomacy program that connects artists from around the globe.
President Trump has nominated Marie Royce of Fullerton to be assistant secretary of state for educational and cultural affairs. Her husband, Rep. Ed Royce (R-Fullerton), is chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, which has jurisdiction over the State Department, including education and cultural programs.
Albuquerque Mayor Richard Berry on Tuesday received two honors — both of them for promoting Albuquerque on the world stage and for advancing citizen diplomacy. The first award was from Global Ties ABQ on behalf of the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. The award recognizes Berry’s “extraordinary commitment to encourage citizen diplomacy and to foster commercial, educational, and cultural exchange between Albuquerque and nations from all over the world.”
Four alumni of the State Department's NSLI-Y program use the popular messaging icons to explain a few words in Mandarin.