assistance diplomacy

Japanese athletes in the Taipei Universiade have been earning high praises in Taiwan since a series of photos of them cleaning a park was posted on social media Tuesday morning. [...] "This is true people-to-people diplomacy," someone else wrote. "Their likability is completely off the charts."

President Barack Obama directed U.S. officials on Thursday to do all they could to support an investigation into what caused a Malaysian jetliner to crash in a Ukraine war zone and pledged support to the affected countries as the probe moves forward.

A new international development bank and multi-billion emergency lending pool will be setup by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. The move comes at a summit meeting of BRICS leaders in Brazil.

Great Britain will continue extending the 300- million Pound Sterling assistance it provides annually to Ethiopia, the International Development Cooperation Minister said.  Prime Minister Hailemariam Dessalegn held talks on 07 July 2014 with a delegation led by UK International Development Cooperation Minister, Lynne Featherstone.

The Sri Lankan government through diplomatic channels has protested the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) funding a project supposedly aimed at enlightening the Sri Lankan public on election systems and voting rights.

New investments from the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the World Bank’s private-sector investment arm, may perpetuate economic inequality rather than alleviate poverty in Myanmar, critics here are warning.  The IFC has proposed five new investment projects for Myanmar (also known as Burma). But the U.S. Campaign for Burma, a rights group here, is calling on the multilateral funder to slow down these projects and analyse their potential social effects.

The Afghan people have an opportunity now to build on the progress that's been made, to achieve a more secure, more prosperous, and more peaceful future. President Obama has made it clear that as they do, the United States will stand with them.