This year’s International Condom Day theme in the U.S. is “Wrap Your App!” The campaign promoting safety and HIV, STD and pregnancy prevention is a nod to tech savvy individuals built around a smartphone-themed graphic showing a menu of apps. The ‘Wrap Your App’ campaign follows on the heels of the powerful AHF dating app billboard campaign that prompted Tinder to create a Health Safety Section page on its mobile app listing and linking to HIV and STD testing service locations.
As tensions between Israel and Hamas continue to escalate in the Gaza Strip, another battle is raging on social media for the support of American and global audiences.
As of yet, no Israelis have been killed during the latest Gaza offensive. 174-0 is a tough ratio to explain. Especially for an operation that Israel claims is being taken in self-defense against terrorists in Gaza. But the Israeli Prime Minister’s office may have found an answer to this minor public-diplomacy challenge: Tinder, a popular online smartphone dating/hookup app.