CPD Event

The USC Center on Public Diplomacy and the USC Center for International Studies were pleased to host Daniel Volman for a roundtable on AFRICOM, the Obama Administration and U.S. Military activities in Africa. Daniel Volman is director of the African Security Research Project in Washington, DC.

The USC Center on Public Diplomacy is proud to co-sponsor this event as part of the USC Institute for Global Health Lecture Series: Visions for Change.

On October 20, 2009, the USC Center on Public Diplomacy hosted Claudia Fritsche, Ambassador of the Principality of Liechtenstein to the United States, for a private discussion on the trust and transparency in a changing global financial order and the role of Liechtenstein. The session was attended by graduate students and faculty of the Master of Public Diplomacy program. A summary of the discussion is included below.

To read the full transcript of her talk, follow this link.


The USC Center on Public Diplomacy, the Islamic Center of Southern California, and USC's Office or Religious Life are pleased to host an Annual Conference on Contemporary Islamic Thoughts, Women's Rights: Beyond the Rhetoric.

The USC Center on Public Diplomacy was pleased to host CPD 2009 Research Fellow, Daryl Copeland, for a book talk on his recent publication, Guerrilla Diplomacy: Rethinking International Diplomacy. Guerrilla Diplomacy offers both a call to action and an alternative approach to understanding contemporary international relations.

The USC Center on Public Diplomacy was proud to host CPD Visiting Scholar, Teresa La Porte, for a Conversation in Public Diplomacy. Teresa La Porte led a roundtable on the public diplomacy of the European Union, exploring how the EU communicates to member States.

Listen to this event | download .wav (339 MB)

Religion and immigration inspire passionate debate, but are immigrants and their beliefs causing the social fabric to unravel? In this lecture, Peggy Levitt will argue that immigrants are, in fact, the translators, bridge-builders, and religious diplomats that the United States so desperately needs.

USC Annenberg celebrated the opening of the exhibit “The 21st Century Family of Man: Photography as Public Diplomacy,” featuring images by photographer and current public diplomacy student Paul Rockower. This selection of photographs pays homage to “The Family of Man” exhibition that opened at the Museum of Modern Art in New York in 1955. The exhibition’s world tour proved a tremendous public diplomacy success for America.
