CPD Forum: Global Leadership in Public Diplomacy
Exactly 50 years ago, distinguished American diplomat Edmund Gullion coined the term “public diplomacy” to specifically denote coordinated governmental engagement with foreign publics. Since then, the concept of public diplomacy has become broadened and more expansive.
Established in 2003 to serve as a leading resource for public diplomacy scholars and practitioners, the USC Center on Public Diplomacy has continued to contribute significantly through its research, analysis, training and public programming to discussions about the future of this ever-evolving, increasingly relevant form of global engagement. The Center hosted a summit, “Global Leadership in Public Diplomacy,” in Washington DC at the United States Institute of Peace from 8:30am to 1:15pm.
Program Agenda
Welcome Remarks
- William B. Taylor
Executive Vice President, United States Institute of Peace - Jay Wang
Director, USC Center on Public Diplomacy - Ernest J. Wilson III
Dean & Walter Annenberg Chair in Communication, Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism, University of Southern California
Keynote Address
Richard Stengel
Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy & Public Affairs, U.S. Department of State
Advancing International Advocacy in the Digital Age
- Alejandro Estivill
Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of Mexico in the United States - Moez Mahmoudi
Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of Tunisia in the United States - Ilse van Overveld
Counselor for Public Diplomacy, Press & Culture, Embassy of the Netherlands in the United States - Philip Seib (moderator)
Vice Dean, Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism, University of Southern California
Cultural Diplomacy: What Next?
- Jennifer Clinton
President & CEO, Global Ties U.S. - Sarah J. Hillyer
Director, Center for Sport, Peace & Society, University of Tennessee - Viet Thanh Nguyen
Professor, Scholar & Writer, University of Southern California - Martin Perschler
Program Director, U.S. Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation, U.S. Department of State - Katherine Brown (moderator)
Executive Director, U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy
Conversation: Congressional Spotlight
- Kathy R. Fitzpatrick (introductions)
Senior Associate Dean, School of Communication, American University - Howard Berman
U.S. House of Representatives [D-CA, 1983-2013]
Senior Advisor, Covington - James Kolbe
U.S. House of Representatives [R-AZ, 1985-2007]
Senior Transatlantic Fellow, The German Marshall Fund - Mel Levine (moderator)
U.S. House of Representatives [D-CA, 1983-1993]
Chair, CPD Advisory Board
Bridging the Study-Practice Gap
- Nicholas J. Cull
Professor & Director, Master of Public Diplomacy Program, University of Southern California - Shannon N. Green
Senior Fellow & Co-director, Human Rights Initiative, Center for Strategic & International Studies - Richard Wike
Director, Global Attitudes Research, Pew Research Center - Kristin Lord (moderator)
President & CEO, IREX
Next Frontiers of Public Diplomacy: Technology & Talent
- R. Rebecca Donatelli
President & Founder, Campaign Solutions - Matt Higginson
Politics, Government & Advocacy Lead, Medium - Alexander Howard
Senior Editor for Technology & Society, The Huffington Post - Arturo Sarukhan
Former Mexican Ambassador to the United States (2007-2013)
CPD Distinguished Fellow - Jed Shein (moderator)
Digital Director, Embassy of Israel in the United States
Co-founder, Digital Diplomacy Coalition
Closing Remarks
Jay Wang
Director, USC Center on Public Diplomacy
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