A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Modi's Swearing-in: Currying Favour with Fishermen Diplomacy

In a goodwill gesture, Pakistan yesterday freed 151 Indian fishermen while Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa ordered the release of all detained Indian fishermen on the eve of the swearing-in ceremony of Prime Minister-elect Narendra Modi.Authorities released 59 Indian fishermen from Malir jail in Karachi and another 92 from Nara jail in Hyderabad in Sindh province. The release comes ahead of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s visit to India to attend the swearing-in of Modi.

Tags: india, Modi, pakistan, government pd, fishermen, detained indian fishermen

Diplomats Compete in several Sport Contests in Bucharest

Diplomats accredited to Bucharest have taken diplomacy to the field, competing in football, basketball and tennis games organized as part of the largest diplomatic competition in the country last week-end.The cycling tour organized by the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs was the most successful, reports local Digi24. Almost 100 Romanian and foreign diplomats took part in the competition, including Russia’s Vice Commissioner Alexey Zamilatskiy, and the Romanian minister Titus Corlatean.

Tags: government pd, sports diplomacy, romania

International Pressure Grows Over Pregnant Mother Sentenced to Die for Adultery in Sudan

Sudan is facing growing condemnation for sentencing a pregnant woman to be whipped and then hanged for adultery. Governments, the UN and human rights groups are also concerned that she is being kept shackled in prison with her toddler son a month before she is due to give birth.They have called on the Sudanese government to immediately release Meriam Yahya Ibrahim, 27, and overturn both her death sentence and sentence of 100 lashes.

Tags: human rights, government pd, women's rights

Moscow Workshop for the Training of International Arbiters

From 23 to 25 May 2014 a Workshop for the training of the International Arbiters was organized in Moscow, Russia, by the Russi

Tags: sports diplomacy, international exchange, chess, russia, government pd

Higher Education System Turkey's New Soft Power

On the path to the multi-dimensional internationalization of Turkish higher education, Chief Professor Gökhan Çetinsaya expects more international students to attend the Turkish universities, increasing Turkey's international image in making the country stronger.

Tags: turkey, soft power, international exchange, education

Can China and the U.S. Stop Climate Change?

Recent tensions over cyber espionage and the South China Sea have brought out areas of disagreement in U.S.-China relations.  And yet, even as the U.S. and China trade barbs over these issues, they are stepping up their cooperation on a problem of global significance: climate change

Tags: china, united states, government pd, climate change, environment

New Zealand Courts and the Climate Refugee Dilemma

The International Organisation for Migration (IOM)predicts there will be somewhere between 25 million and 1 billion people [internally or externally displaced] by the effects of climate change by 2050, with 200 million the closest specific estimate. The fate of these people is a distinctly moral question for developed nations that have contributed the majority of greenhouses gas emissions for decades and continue to do so today. Are those responsible for rising sea levels responsible for those who end up underwater?

Tags: climate change, climate refugee, new zealand, australia, international law

China and Smart Power: Interview with Joseph Nye

One topic that greatly interests Nye is the rise of China. With a fundamental reassessment of American foreign policy and military spending as it moves out of a period of intense engagement in the Middle East, the threat of China as a peer competitor has loomed large in the thoughts of American policymakers. John Mearshimer, Nye’s intellectual sparring partner, claims that this geopolitical shift eastward, and an increasingly assertive China, is bound to lead to greater tension, and an “inevitable US-Chinese conflict”.

Tags: smart power, soft power, interview, joseph nye, china


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