A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Worldwide March Against Monsanto

A global event challenging the agricultural behemoth Monsanto’s efforts to dominate the world food supply is taking place across the globe as millions of anti-GMO activists join forces against the biotech giant.“The 3rd global March Against Monsanto (MAM) is expected to be the biggest one yet. With 43 countries on 6 continents, MAM has coordinated 366 official events, with countless others not officially registered.”

Tags: non-state actor, monsanto, digital diplomacy, demonstration

Top Twitter Trends: What Countries Are Most Active? Who's Most Popular?

For example, what countries are most active on Twitter?  We’ll start with percapita use.  No, it’s not the U.S.   In fact, the U.S. is in fifth place, trailing among others, Brunei.  (Who knew?)  But for the highest per capita (aka “tweetiest”) country in the world, according to the Northeastern Universityresearchers who compiled the data, that distinction belongs to Kuwait.  Following is the list: Top 10 Twitter countries, per capita use - Kuwait, Netherlands, Brunei, UK, USA, Chile, Ireland, Canada, Sweden, Puerto Rico

Tags: twitter, cyberspace, data, popularity

Pakistan Prime Minister to Attend Inauguration of India's Modi

Pakistan's Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has accepted an invitation to attend the inauguration of Indian Prime Minister-designate Narendra Modi, a first in the history of the nuclear-armed rivals, an official said on Saturday."There will be a bilateral meeting on the sidelines between Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and Mr. Modi," Mohyuddin Wani, the joint secretary of the prime minister's office, told Reuters. "Mr. Sharif will also be calling on the Indian president."

Tags: pakistan, india, Modi, election, government pd

Girls Deserve Better --And Not Just in Nigeria

The scale and audacity of this attack makes it especially shocking, and the case has triggered an extraordinary outpouring of indignation across the globe -- on a scale that isn't necessarily typical in cases involving violence against women. As FP commentator Lauren Wolfe observed in her recent article, women are often abducted in conflicts around the world without generating much of an international reaction. And as theNew York Times recently pointed out, Boko Haram's ransom videosuggests that the group itself has been surprised by the degree of global outrage.

Tags: women and girls empowerment, nigeria, india, boko haram, education

Kremlin-Backed Broadcaster Declares, ‘If Anyone Knows Real Nazis, It’s the Royal Family.’

As we wait with bated breath to see if Vladimir Putin’s Q&A today will cover Prince Charles’s unflattering comparison of him to a certain wartime German leader with a distinctive moustache, the Kremlin-funded news channel Russia Today has hit back by highlighting the royal family’s historical links to the Nazis.

Tags: putin, kremlin, international broadcasting, uk, royal family

It's a Jungle Out There How Brazil Could Save the Rainforest

Brazil-watchers preoccupied with the rocky run-up to the World Cup may have missed a recent move as smart and graceful as any you’ll see on a soccer pitch -- one that sealed a huge win not just for Brazilians but for everyone on Earth.

Tags: brazil, public opinion, government pd, arpa, amazon

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Digital Citizenship

In every large democracy of our time, little seems to be left to chance, with both national and trans-national laws and policies relating to every aspect of our life. The Internet however, is still much debated and a sort of grey area. 

Tags: italy, usa, digital diplomacy, internet freedom, democracy, laura boldrini

Gastrodiplomacy Gives Foreign Chefs A Fresh Take And Taste Of America

When you think of the tools of diplomacy, food isn't always high on the list. But breaking bread together can be one of the most basic ways of finding common ground. Which is why, a couple of years ago, the State Department launched the Diplomatic Culinary Partnership.

Tags: usa, gastrodiplomacy, government pd, diplomactic culinary partnership


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