A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.
Hosting an exchange student is rewarding for you and the visitor
Until families have had the experience of hosting an international exchange student, they cannot imagine how rewarding it is to bring the world into their own home and to experience the bond being created between a host family and a teenager from another part of the world.
The Root: Dear Wyclef, Please Don’t Run!
Wyclef you're making a big mistake. Running for president of Haiti is a bad idea. Bad for you and bad for Haiti.
Delivering economic good: a new role for diplomacy
The British government has recently launched an initiative to make its Ambassadors front-line persons in pushing British business abroad.
U.S. attends Hiroshima bombing ceremony for first time
Japan marked the 65th anniversary of the U.S. atomic bombing of Hiroshima on Friday with the United States represented at the ceremony for the first time...The United States...sent a representative to the ceremony for the first time, reflecting President Barack Obama's push to rid the world of nuclear weapons.
Israel pushes Tel Aviv as gay vacation destination
One of Israel's largest industries has always been tourism, and the nation has constantly been looking for ways to boost the number of annual visitors...Tel Aviv and the Ministry of Tourism have also embarked an a very different campaign: attracting the openly gay community.
This is not ‘reputation laundering’. We’re helping nations improve
If we want to see democracy in developing nations, we need to help them to reposition themselves – by promoting trade, boosting tourism, and winning allies diplomatically. That can only be done by skilled communications, promoting the best aspects of these nations to the stakeholders that matter.
Foreign university students: Will They Still Come?
In fast-growing economies such as China and India, wealthy families can now afford to send their offspring to university but world-class institutions are too few. Whether students cannot find what they want at home or prefer what they see abroad, they are becoming more mobile.
LOOKING EAST / Worldwide appetite for bento boxes
The bento-bako, or Japanese lunch box, is enjoying great popularity overseas, with many retailers abroad even marketing the product under its Japanese name.
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