A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Further sporting Success for AsiaSat with SEA Games

Asia Satellite Telecommunications Company (AsiaSat) is teaming with Encompass Digital Media to deliver live coverage of the 29th Southeast Asian (SEA) Games to viewers across Asia-Pacific.

Tags: international broadcasting, asia pacific, AsiaSat, sea games, sports broadcast, asia engagement

Using ‘Shikar Diplomacy’ in 19th-Century Nepal

Nepalese kings organized massive hunts to get on the good side of the British – hunts that may have been terrible for conservation, but worked diplomatic magic. [...] ‘Hunting diplomacy’ lent the Ranas much-needed social capital with the British elite, and an invite from the Ranas of Nepal became a much-coveted affair for the colonists themselves.

Tags: hunting diplomacy, shikar, nepal, britain, ranas, historical diplomacy, historical memory, historical pd

Hungarian Pavilion at Astana Expo Receives 200,000 Visitors

In the last two months the Hungarian pavilion at the international exposition in Astana, Kazakhstan, received 200,000 visitors, Minister for National Economy Mihály Varga said on Friday on the "Hungary Day" of Expo 2017 Astana - Future Energy.

Tags: soft power, world expo, astana, hungary, energy security, renewable energy

Part II: A House United Through Domestic Diplomacy

In recent months the United States has witnessed a heavy dose of partisan politics driving the nation’s dialogue, creating a deeper divide on important issues. In the process we have used political figures as scapegoats for the impairment caused by this very division. If this destructive pattern does not end, we will drain our most powerful resource for healing and understanding – I call it “domestic diplomacy,” dialogue that engages people to find commonalities and join together as one. 

Tags: domestic diplomacy, united states, citizen diplomacy, Charlottesville, building bridges, people-to-people diplomacy

African Instagrammers Documenting Hidden Hotspots Disrupting Tourism

Through the use of social media, travel platforms like Tastemakers Africa, Everyday Africa, Hip Africa, Visiter L’Afrique and others are giving African travel and tourism a fresh and youthful injection by reimagining the possibilities of African travel for Africans, the African diaspora, and international tourists keen to do something other than seeing the “Big Five” on a game reserve truck or buying rugs in Morocco.

Tags: digital diplomacy, social media, soft power, africa, instagram, cultural tourism

Dabeet to Forge Sister City Relationships Between Palestine, US

Dabeet, who serves on Sister Cities International — an organization dedicated to promoting citizen diplomacy among nations — wants to build “bridges of peace and understanding among nations.” He is particularly interested in building some bridges between the United States and his native Palestine and serves on Sister Cities International in a capacity that allows him to do exactly that.

Tags: city diplomacy, sister cities international, palestine, united states, citizen diplomacy, bridges of friendship

Why the White House’s Arts and Humanities Commitee Decided to Resign

The committee, devised in 1982 under the Ronald Reagan administration, was initially created to advise the White House on cultural issues. However, that mission has become extraordinarily difficult under the Trump administration, Penn tells Vanity Fair.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, cultural institutions, white house, arts and humanities, Donald Trump, united states

Google and ProPublica Team Up to Build a National Hate Crime Database

In partnership with ProPublica, Google News Lab is launching a new tool to track hate crimes across America. Powered by machine learning, the Documenting Hate News Index will track reported hate crimes across all 50 states, collecting data from February 2017 onward.

Tags: Digital Diplomacy & New Technology, google, propublica, hate crimes, hate news index, media technologies


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