The CPD Blog is intended to stimulate dialog among scholars and practitioners from around the world in the public diplomacy sphere. The opinions represented here are the authors' own and do not necessarily reflect CPD's views. For blogger guidelines, click here.

To address urgent global challenges like climate change, diplomatic and technology leaders must align to catalyze innovation for the global good. 

CPD-SIF Southeast Asia Research Fellow Suzie Sudarman explores the complex relations between Indonesia and the U.S. since Indonesia's independence in 1948.

Image of Jakarta City, Indonesia by AHie via Canva

CPD-SIF Southeast Asia Research Fellow Suzie Sudarman explores the complex relations between Indonesia and the U.S. since Indonesia's independence in 1948.

Image of the Grand Palace of Bangkok by tawanlubfah via Canva

Thai cultural diplomacy has emphasized traditional culture, which tends to be one-way, and event-based performance, connected with food and tourism.

Ireland has placed storytelling at the heart of its public diplomacy strategy. 

image of floating market in bangkok by izzetugutmen via Canva

After two decades of gradual public diplomacy efforts, the Thai government has recently accelerated and formalized its public diplomacy initiatives.

Image of Turkish flag by berkay08 via Canva

The Hizmet project is a private educational initiative and diplomacy instrument that has morphed from a point of pride for the Turkish government into a threat.

There is growing interest across Africa in AI, with its potential to drive economic growth, create jobs and empower communities.



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