The CPD Blog is intended to stimulate dialog among scholars and practitioners from around the world in the public diplomacy sphere. The opinions represented here are the authors' own and do not necessarily reflect CPD's views. For blogger guidelines, click here.

Alhurra anchors on air from Alhurra's broadcast studio by Deirdre Kline - Middle East Broadcasting Networks (U.S. government source), Public Domain,

Independent research consultant, Jihad Fakhreddine, examines the overall performance of Alhurra financed by the U.S. Congress.

A man pulls the red wooden peg doll out of the crowd by Dorin Tamas via Canva

Political dissent can disrupt public diplomacy of states but it can also function as public diplomacy in its own right.

a small flower blooms on a driftwood by Cody Doevendans via Canva

We need to have better ways of analyzing and comparing coercive and nonviolent tools of statecraft while reimagining it to be more humanly decent and less violent.

A hand touching VR buttons about education by Funtap via Canva

CPD Blog contributors Jorge Marinho and Júlio Ventura discuss the situations of foreign influence, interference and espionage in higher education institutes and suggest countermeasures.

Black computer keyboard with research key and a globe by TheaDesign

Eranetization reinvigorates diplomacy studies concerning the European integration project and its enduring resonance in the European Southern Neighborhood. 

A photo collage of landmarks in London by Getty Images

David Ellwood of Johns Hopkins University argues the necessity for Britain to put more emphasis on soft power.

Mount Fuji from Mount Kita via Wikimedia Commons

Japan turned historical negatives into positive examples through corrective measures and bold initiatives guided by social accountability and justice.

Image of a Turkish jet by Anadolu Agency

Türkiye’s recent humanitarian efforts reflect its public diplomacy priorities to build relationships and engage with foreign publics.



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