A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Chinese travel agencies fight for Russian tourists

This year is the year of the Chinese language in Russia. It is quite natural that numerous events dedicated to the Chinese language and culture inspire the interest of Russians to China. How can you stay indifferent to that country after watching a slide show with beautiful nature, architectural monuments, attending a show of the Chinese circus and getting familiar with Chinese art?

Tags: china, Cultural Diplomacy, public opinion, russia, language, tourism, chinese

Iran, Azerbaijan Discuss Expansion of Cultural Ties

"Given the cultural and religious commonalities between the two neighboring states, ties between Tehran and Baku will further develop," the minister added. Holding Azerbaijan Cultural Week in Iran is a significant step to develop ties, he said, adding that given numerous capacities of the two countries, the meetings will help promote friendship between them.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, iran, azerbaijan

China Summons Past to Advance Into Africa

Irked by accusations that it is the new coloniser of Africa, China is looking to use soft power and historical evidence of its ancient links to the continent to justify its economic embrace of Africa.

Tags: china, soft power, public opinion, africa, economic relations

Afghan students connect online with Soldiers

Female students from a local Jalalabad high school recently spent a morning chatting online with three female Soldiers from Forward Operating Base Fenty September 21st. The students were participating in a State Department sponsored program called the Global Connections and Exchange program.

Tags: united states, afghanistan, new technology, us department of state, military, internet diplomacy

Tech-friendly diplomacy takes off

U.S. President Barack Obama has once again appealed directly to Iranian people over the BBC Persian service on Friday, in a rare showcase of technology surpassing the boundaries of official communication channels.

Tags: united states, media, iran, new technology, internet diplomacy

Survey: Officers favor ‘soft power’

A majority of military officers — especially the mid-career officers in the O-4 and O-5 paygrades — support giving more money and strategic emphasis to nonmilitary initiatives such as diplomacy and economic development in order to advance U.S. security interests, according to a recent poll.

Tags: united states, soft power, air force

Egypt and Thirsty Neighbors Are at Odds Over Nile

Upstream countries, looking to right what they say are historic wrongs, have joined in an attempt to break Egypt and Sudan’s near-monopoly on the water, threatening a crisis that Egyptian experts said could, at its most extreme, lead to war.

Tags: egypt, africa, water diplomacy, water, sudan, nile river

China Takes a Page from U.S. Playbook

If competition is healthy—most conservatives believe it is—the challenge presented by China and other nations in the field of public diplomacy ought to be a wakeup call to the U.S. government.

Tags: china, united states, soft power, international broadcasting


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