A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

New US warning to Syria on Scuds

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has issued a strong warning to Syria over the alleged transfer of sophisticated weapons to Lebanon.Two weeks ago, Israel accused Syria of supplying long-range Scud missiles to Hezbollah, the Lebanese guerrilla movement and political party.


On eve of Shanghai Expo 2010, China finds ‘soft power’ an elusive goal

Chinese authorities have seized on the Shanghai Expo 2010 – the largest in history – as another chance to enhance 'soft power' that is generated by the spread of cultures, values, diplomacy, and trade. The expo opens this weekend.


US gives Abbas private assurances over Israeli settlements

The US has given private assurances to encourage the Palestinians to join indirect Middle East peace talks, including an offer to consider allowing UN security council condemnation of any significant new Israeli settlement activity, the Guardian has learned.


New province name: Pakistan taps ethnic pride as defense against Taliban

Instead, celebrations marking the switch from the “North West Frontier Province,” a name assigned by British colonialists in 1901, to “Khyber Pakhtunkhwa,” a nod to the majority ethnic Pakhtun (or Pashtun) population, were marred by violent protests that left eight people dead.


Cyberattacks: Washington is hyping the threat to justify regulating the Internet

We marched into Baghdad on flimsy evidence and we might be about to make the same mistake in cyberspace. Over the past few weeks, there has been a steady drumbeat of alarmist rhetoric about potential threats online.


New US Ambassador to S’pore wants to advance trade with region

The new US Ambassador to Singapore presented his credentials to President S R Nathan on Thursday, about a month after the US Senate confirmed his nomination. But even before he stepped on Singapore soil, Mr Adelman sparked controversy last month, saying that he would use "public diplomacy" to promote greater press and political freedom in Singapore.


Kashmir: Ripe for Resolution

After a 15-month hiatus, the foreign secretaries of India and Pakistan got together in New Delhi in March. The meeting served as an icebreaker and is expected to open up the way for resumption of the composite dialogue.


A New Ground Zero

Momentum is building around the world. Governments and civil society groups, often at odds, have begun working in common cause. At the recent nuclear security summit in Washington, 47 world leaders agreed to do whatever is necessary to keep such weapons and materials safe.



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