A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

‘South Park’ Reignites Cartoon Debate

Each time another media institution bows to a threat of violence is another nail in the coffin of free speech. We've witnessed this steady erosion the past few years in Europe, highlighted by the 2006 Danish cartoon controversy, and now here.Where does it stop? That's the thing: It doesn't.


Afghan Taliban getting stronger, Pentagon says

The report, requested by Congress, portrays an insurgency with deep roots and broad reach, able to withstand repeated U.S. onslaughts and to reestablish its influence, while discrediting and undermining the country's Western-backed government.


China Rules the World at Expo 2010

By the early 20th century, World's Fairs had become such important and competitive events that a treaty was actually drafted and signed to prevent conflicts over them. Henceforth, World Expos, like Shanghai's, would be held every five years, for duration of six months.


Dance as cultural exchange

"It worked out to the U.S. State Department giving us a cultural grant to present this program," Guitian said.The presentation includes the world premiere of "25 Steps," which takes the 25 basic steps in contemporary dance and does them in different ways or a different order.


Winning the Worm War

For the last 24 years, former President Jimmy Carter has led the global struggle against the disease. When he started, there were 3.5 million cases annually in 20 countries. Last year, there were fewer than 3,200 cases in four countries: Ethiopia, Ghana, Mali and Sudan. The great majority of the remaining cases are here in southern Sudan.


Medium isn’t the message

Activists confronting repressive regimes in the 21st century often have all the communication tools of the digital age at their disposal — Facebook, YouTube, cellphones, e-mail. Yet none of them has achieved anything like the renown of Andrei Sakharov, Vaclav Havel, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, or the other indomitable souls who challenged communist tyranny in the decades before the Internet existed.


Shanghai Expo: Not Just a Site for China’s Image-Construction

It is true that China’s hosting of the event, especially on the heels of the spectacular Summer Olympics two years ago, sends an unmistakable signal of the country’s return to global prominence. Nonetheless, the Expo is also a grand stage where, over the next six months, nearly 200 participant countries will be courting and engaging the Chinese public.

Tags: china, soft power, shanghai expo

Sudan’s imperfect but important elections

The Carter Center observers, some of whom have been in Sudan since 2009, were present in all 25 states in Sudan. We saw the generally orderly polling we'd hoped for, and voters turned out in good numbers.



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