A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

The Perception of Turkey in the Middle East: Soap Opera Diplomacy?

One of the most popular soap operas in the Middle East currently is in fact a Turkish series entitled Gumus (or Noor in Arabic), and it’s safe to say that it has helped “conquer hearts and minds in the Arab world.”


North Korea’s Provocations: The World’s Limited Options

You can't quite set your watch by it — Kim Jong Il is not that predictable — but every year (and sometimes more than once) the regime in North Korea does something that reminds the world, yet again, of two things: just how beyond the pale the government in Pyongyang is, and just how powerless the rest of the world is to do anything consequential about it.


Venezuela leader Hugo Chavez takes to Twitter

After he promised to "let loose" on Tuesday night, a Spanish-language tweet duly appeared on his new chavezcandanga account 14 minutes after midnight.

Tags: new technology, twitter, venezuela, hugo chavez

Telling the story of Aceh in Berlin

A recent literary salon brought together an Indonesian writer and a German-Indonesian musician. Azhari is "the author of Aceh", while Tomi Simatupang builds a bridge between two worlds.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, non-state pd, indonesia, germany

Alliance Française De Kotte’ Launches With French Language Teaching In Sri Lanka

...enjoying the full patronage of the Government of France and the Embassy of France in Sri Lanka, the AF de Kotte joins the ranks of the other official Alliance Francaise Centres in Kandy, Matara/Galle and Jaffna, offering French language classes to all age groups.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, france, sri lanka

Finding Support for the Confucius Institutes

China's Confucius Institutes have become a public diplomacy phenomenon. Many public diplomacy researchers have been impressed by the rapid spread of Confucius Institutes around the world.

Tags: confucius institutes, confucius institutes project

Countries are countries, not brands

FIFA's World Cup presents its hosts with, what they believe to be, their biggest ever opportunity to build a stronger country brand. That's a shame because, despite its growing popularity and firm establishment within marketing, the business of "country branding" or "nation branding" is nonsense.

Tags: nation branding, public opinion, united kingdom

Diplomats on the Frontlines of Counterinsurgency Work

The prevalence of so-called "Three-Block," "Fourth-Dimension" or "expeditionary" wars of the 21st century, many taking the form of counter-insurgency or "stabilization" campaigns, is refocussing the attention of policy-makers on the role of public affairs and information programs.

Tags: canada, counter-insurgency


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