
CPD-SIF Southeast Asia Research Fellow Suzie Sudarman explores the complex relations between Indonesia and the U.S. since Indonesia's independence in 1948.

CPD-SIF Southeast Asia Research Fellow Suzie Sudarman explores the complex relations between Indonesia and the U.S. since Indonesia's independence in 1948.

The establishment of Indonesia's new mission in the Republic of Cameroon creates opportunities for public diplomacy not only in the country but also in the region.

It is important to enhance public diplomacy for Indonesia by publishing research and stories in international outlets for the intellectual community.

South Korea's foreign policy opens new avenues for Indonesian-Korean PD.

Hannan Hussain of Islamabad Policy Research Institute writes, China's BRI strategies in Southeast Asia suggest a foundation in public diplomacy.

What does "being secure" mean? Yasushi Watanabe surveys a range of case studies and analyses on the emerging concept of cultural security.