A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

What an American peace plan requires

Other than the Jimmy Carter-mediated Camp David agreements in 1978 and the disengagement accords negotiated by Henry Kissinger in the mid-1970s, major American-mediated peace efforts have been a recurring failure (consequently, many people question why someone like Dennis Ross continues to hold important positions related to Middle East policy, when his track record has been defined by colossal failure).


Dutch people who visited Morocco have less negative perceptions of the Moroccans living in Holland

Rather, it is noted that Dutch people who visited Morocco were found to be less prejudiced towards Moroccans than those who did not. Tourism, in the context of this study seems to reduce prejudice. Furthermore, as those who have visited Morocco appear to be less prejudiced than those who did not, it could be suggested that tourism has to some extent a positive impact on perceptions.


Is Brand Ghana Program Necessary?

The goal for Brand Ghana Office is to stimulate economic, social and psychological wellbeing for all Ghanaians through developing and implementing a proactive and integrated national and international competitive brand strategy.


Questioning Cultural Diplomacy

While there is little doubt that the Obama administration is more committed to the value of arts and culture than the previous White House incumbents (in which “platform” was an oxymoron), we nonetheless find conflicting rhetorics in the President’s language.


Attention: Baby on Board

In the cold war all that mattered was whether a country was allied with us. What matters in Obama’s war in Afghanistan is whether the Afghan people are allied with their own government and each other. Only then can we get out and leave behind something stable, decent and self-sustaining.


First lady Michelle Obama visits Mexico

First lady Michelle Obama stepped into a more prominent, more ambitious role on the world stage this week with visits to Haiti and Mexico City. Her overarching message: Children can change the world. And she wants to make sure they have every opportunity to do so.

Tags: united states, michelle obama

UN Sees Climate Architecture, Not Binding Deal, as Cancun Goal

The objective of this year's climate summit should be to agree on the "architecture" for reducing global warming and restoring international trust, the United Nations top climate official said today.

Tags: united nations, climate change

Civic Photography Exhibition by Afghan and Philadelphia Students Launches…

Students from Marefat High School in Kabul, Afghanistan and Constitution High School in Philadelphia, PA have collaborated on an unprecedented civic photography exhibition, Being "We the People": Afghanistan, America and the Minority Imprint...

Tags: united states, Cultural Diplomacy, afghanistan


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